Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What I know about the Holucaust

What I know about the Holocaust.

  • was during WWII
  • Hitler tried wiping out the Jewish population
  • they were kept in concentration camps
  • they were killed in many different ways
  • they were branded and had to wear special clothing
  • many tried to hide and flee
  • they were tortured

What we know about the Holocaust.

  • it was a mass genocide
  • Many of the killing were of Jews (6 million)
  • Total killing estimated 11 million
  • Hitler wanted a "perfect race" (Aryan- blonde hair and blue eyed)
  • Hitler also targeted other groups-- gypsies-- polish -- Homosexuals--mentally disabled
  • started in germany
  • Hitler's men were called the Nazis
  • Mass extermination was conducted in different ways: shooting, burning, gasing, starvation, disease
  • Elit Nazis were classified as the Gestapo
  • Started WWII
  • Hitler was a soldier in WWI
  • wrote a book while he was in prison
  • Anne Frank was a victim

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