Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Brief Love

1. The poem is very blunt and forward about the conditions on the cattle car. It doesnt mask over what went on in the car just because its a poem explaining an intimate encounter.
2. I still wonder how long they were together, and what they all had talked about, or if it was just love at first sight.
3. There are many connections with this poem and other Holocaust materials we've read such as the conditions of the cattle car. It also explains how people were dying left and right, also touch on the fact that they would trik people into thinking they were going into a shower then they would gas them.

fire class discussion

Fire symbolism:

  • crematoriums = death
  • fear
  • burning bodies, faith, culture, memories
  • the hate and chaos
  • destruction happening
  • power of the Nazis


The woman who sees the flames is very important, she somewhat foreshadows the events in store for the Jews. The first time she was shouting about the fire, no one believed her, yet once they got to the concentration camp there was an actual fire, she was dead on. This part in the story shows how high the peoples nerves were after being in a cattle car for so long, in the unbarable heat, they even resorted to beating her to stop the yelling.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Class list foreshadowing

  • Jews were expelled from Sighet.
  • Moishe the Beatle came back to warn the other people.
  • The Gestapo and hungarian police enter sighet
  • The Ghetto, lost all rights
  • All jews were lined up ready for transport.
  • when Moishe was taken away, someone said "What do you expect, thats war."
  • The family member knocking at the window


  • More and mor erestrictions were being put on the jews
  • They were made to wear the yellow star of David
  • The Jews just looked past all of the signs
  • Moishe the Beatle was in the group of people that were being taken to a forest where he watched people dig their own graves then be shot into them
  • He came back to warn people and tell his story
  • One day they were told that they were being transported
  • the Hungarians came in the ghetto and were very cruel and heartless to the people
  • They were transported to a smaller ghetto

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What I know about the Holucaust

What I know about the Holocaust.

  • was during WWII
  • Hitler tried wiping out the Jewish population
  • they were kept in concentration camps
  • they were killed in many different ways
  • they were branded and had to wear special clothing
  • many tried to hide and flee
  • they were tortured

What we know about the Holocaust.

  • it was a mass genocide
  • Many of the killing were of Jews (6 million)
  • Total killing estimated 11 million
  • Hitler wanted a "perfect race" (Aryan- blonde hair and blue eyed)
  • Hitler also targeted other groups-- gypsies-- polish -- Homosexuals--mentally disabled
  • started in germany
  • Hitler's men were called the Nazis
  • Mass extermination was conducted in different ways: shooting, burning, gasing, starvation, disease
  • Elit Nazis were classified as the Gestapo
  • Started WWII
  • Hitler was a soldier in WWI
  • wrote a book while he was in prison
  • Anne Frank was a victim

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Lottery

1. Justice is the quality of being just or fair.

Some traditions we have would include going to my grandmas house every christmas eve and easter as a family. Also at christmas eve, the youngest puts the little baby jesus in the manger.

2. The community was very traditional even if there were some people who thought iyt should change, it was also so small that they were each afraid to really speak up about it. Mrs Hutchinson was stoned by teh town because she "won" the lottery.. In this town they have a lottery every year where they pick someone to stone to "sacrifice". Its a long standing tradtion that many people are set in their ways about.

3. Have people outside the town found out they still do this to people?, If so, why wouldnt they try and stop it"

4. "It isnt fair !"

By the Waters of Babylon

1. Well, im not complaining but I guess if I thought about it I would say that we do process our information too quickly. We're dangerously close to destroying ourselves.
2. He went to the river, then to the dead place which turned out to be New York.
3. What exactly did the people do to destroy the city?
4. "We must rebuild"