Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Harrison Bergeron"


What is Equality?
Equality, by definition, is "the quality of being the same in quantity, measure, or value of status. The state of being equally balanced" Yet, it's ironic because in society our differences and personal talents are what balance us out. There is no such thing as being able to create a perfect society in which everyones equal. Nobody will ever be equal to eachother is essence. You have to take the good with the bad in life. Being able to have our differences and express them freely is what our country is all about. In the end there is a big difference between being equal, and being treated equally.

1. Harrison Bergeron was aman groing up in the future, when everybody was "equal" He had to wear a mental handicap on his head which would dumb him down to the level that the government wanted society at. Yet, he was a genious and could always think through his handicap. He broke out of jail and appeared on the tv without his handicap, went a little crazy and essentially got shot down by a handicapper general.
2. He was too smart for the Handicaps they were giving him. Then they asked him to work for the government because he was so smart, while working for them he questioned how they went about things.

Why does he go to jail?

"what just happened?" George asked
"I don't remember." -Hazel

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